In 2013 they released "9 Languages" album showing multidimensionalness of Polish and East European culture. The same year they win Grand Prix and the Audience Prize at the "New Tradition" - the biggest Polish folk contest organized by Polish Radio. They were invited to perform in Official Selection at WOMEX 2015.
The Duet performed at: 'World Music Fest' (Chicago, USA); 'TFF Rudolstadt' (Germany); 'FMM Sines Festival' (Portugal); 'Ethnoport' (Poland); 'Cheoyong Culture Festival' (South Korea); 'Art Pole' (Ukraine); 'Menuo Juodaragis' (Lithuania); 'Folkbaltica' (Germany/Denmark); 'Euroradio Folk Festiwal' (Sweden); 'Kamianitza' (Bielaruss); 'Isole che Parlano' (Sardinia); 'Legion Arts' (Cedar Rapids, USA); 'Global Union' (Milwaukee, USA); ‘Lotus Fest' (Bloomington, USA); 'Gypsy Festival Drom' (New York, USA); 'Music Mela' Festival (Pakistan); 'Les Traversées Tatihou' (France); 'WOMEX' 2015 oficial selection (Hungary).
2017 - " Płyta tatarska" ("Tatar album")
2016 - "Poland-Pakistan. Music without borders" - fusion with Shafqat Ali Khan
2013 - "Wieloma językami" ("9 Languages")
"Białystok majn hejm"
"Za rieczkaju" at Rudolstadt Festival