Throughout the ten years of egsistance the line up has changed several times, but Leśne Licho's musical inspirations has remained within such bands as Storm, Bathory, Finntroll and Hagalaz Runedance.
Leśne Licho ("The Forest Little Devil") - a folk metal group from Warszawa/Podkowa Leśna (Poland). The band was founded in 2007 when Mikołaj "Miki" Flis talked his friends into starting their music adventure. Compositions of the group abound in Slavic and Scandinavian motives while lyrics are inspired by folk legends, mythology and fantasy novels.
Leśne Licho played multiple concerts and took part in major Polish festivals such as: Średniowieczuj in Maszewo, Jakub Wedrowycz Days in Wojsławice, Miedzynarodowy Turniej Smaków na Zamku w Liwie (International Cuisine Tournament at Liw Castle), Ogólnopolski Zlot Miłośników Folk Metalu (National Folk Metal Fans Meeting), WOŚP (the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity), HelloFolks in Lublin, Zlot Słowian i Wikingów in Drohiczyn (Slavs and Vikings Gathering), Fantasy Convent in Głogówek, Festiwal Kultury Słowian "Stado" (Slavic Culture Fest "Stado"), Jare Gody 2016 and many others. In 2017 Leśne Licho took 6th place out of 89 bands in the vote for the best folk album of the year 2016, in the competition "Wirtualne Gęśle".
2017 - "Żółte Kwiaty"/ "Yellow Flowers"
2016 - "Pieśni Starego Lasu"/ "Songs of the Old Forest"
2009 - "Demo" EP
"Zima nadchodzi" ("Winter Is Coming")
"Topielica" ("A Female Drowner")
"Droga ku Walhalli" ("The Road to Walhalla")