The first accordionist in the family and Marcin's first teacher was his father. He became the owner of that instrument after Marcin's grandfather traded one of his cows for an accordion.
Marcin founded several music projects, including Marcin Wyrostek Band (formerly Corazon) as well as Marcin Wyrostek Band & Dance Show, which features the best Polish dancers - Anna Głogowska, Jan Kliment and Tomasz Barański. He has recorded four original albums: for the album "Magia del Tango" he received a Triple Platinum award and a nomination for the Fryderyki 2010 award, the album "For Alice" received with a Single Platinum award while the longplay "Coloriage" received a Double Platinum award.
Currently, the band's repertoire features compositions from the latest album by Marcin Wyrostek titled "Polacc". The new album by Marcin Wyrostek and the band is largely different from his previous works. After years of touring with a repertoire consisting of Argentinian, Balkanian and Latin American music, the musicians felt that they needed to reach for the music culture they were growing up in. This turn towards Polish culture was also influenced by the many themed concerts played outside of Poland, during which Marcin Wyrostek served the role of a Polish culture ambassador.
The arrangements and compositions created for those occasions became the foundation for the new album by Marcin Wyrostek titled "POLACC", where various motives of POLishness were combined into one by the common denominator of the ACCordion. An unexpected help in the process of creating the new album came from Marcin's band members, who represent different cultural roots. This resulted in a mix of various musical characters, tones, traditions and memories, ranging from Pomerania in the north down to Silesia in the south of Poland. The album contains both compositions inspired by folk music as well as modern arrangements of works by prominent classical and film score composers. "POLACC" is by definition a colourful and energetic album, and the featured compositions are a result of searching for a common Polish musical sensitivity that can be discovered in Polish music of various genres over the span of many years.
2017 - "Polacc"
2015 - "For Alice" (Platinum)
2011 - "Coloriage" (Double Platinum)
2009 - "Magia Del Tango" (Triple Platinum)
Promo video "For Alice Tour"
Official promo film
"Śmierć Marii Królowej Szkotów" ("The Death of Mary, Queen of Scots")